I don’t know about you, but I find life is full of challengers and everyday something turns up. If running your own small business, whether a brick and mortar or a home business, how do you cope with adversity? We all have our bad days and some may appear to be the end of life as you know it – taking it to the extreme.

There was a time when I struggled when I took it upon myself to join one of the Multi Level Marketing Opportunities to change my future. When I ran out of friends and family, with virtually no one turning up at the house parties and enthusiasm dying, I felt deflated, disappointed and it seriously bothered me. Was this the time to give up? Yes!

So what does it take to build a life of your own design? Well it boils down to a couple of things. Looking for the best and dealing with the worst….

When Thomas Carlyle (Dec 1795 – Feb 1881) completed his manuscript of the French Revolution, he asked a neighbour (John Mill) to read it. Later John turned up at Thomas’s house shaking and looking pale. He explained that his maid had inadvertently used the manuscript to light a fire. Thomas was left in despair. Two years of work up in smoke – literally.

Writing the manuscript was daunting enough, but thinking about rewriting it was just unthinkable.

One day he watched a stone mason building a wall. He observed it going up one brick at a time. This simple exercise inspired Thomas to rewrite the manuscript a page a day – similar to one brick at a time.

It was a slow process, but he persevered. The end result was much better than the original.

Jon Gordon writes; “if concerned about the future, then I know how you feel”.

He lost his job in 2001. The company sank quicker than the Titanic. He thought it was his worst day of his life. A paycheck away from losing it all, with a wife, 2 children and a mortgage etc. and no savings, he had to make some important decisions. Standing tall and not giving in led to the work he does today as a writer and a speaker. He went from being fired to being all fired up. Being laid off led to the accomplishment of his life’s mission. What he thought was his worst day turned out to be his best.

When the worst hits; you have a choice. Move forward with determination as the best days are ahead. Make a decision and learn to grow.

Don’t be a victim of your circumstances. See your situation as an opportunity. You can make the right choices. Refocus, retune and relive. Go out and get what you want.

You will soon learn it is not about the nuts and bolts, but how you show up with the nuts and bolts. Entrepreneurs and leaders make it happen.

So did I give up with my mission to change my life? No. I went on to find something else….

We can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

My name is Gary Oakes and I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop the passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is much about internet marketing techniques (free information). Step 3 provides an opportunity to work from home. The website is full of information and you will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and this is available to you. The journey starts by following this simple link Multi Level Marketing Opportunities.

There is no commitment or expense to view the free material available to help you, and you never know, this might be the very thing you are looking for!

With the prospect of economic fluctuations, people are getting tired of working for others, worried about losing their job, have insufficient funds to pay the bills or no spare money for those occasional treats. As a result of this, people are looking for alternative ways to either earn additional income or to establish a different way of living.

David Bach, author of the Automatic Millionaire best seller, suggests earning additional income through the direct sales industry (Multi Level Marketing) to boost financial wealth. This is made easier through an Internet Based Home Business as opposed to the traditional MLM methods.  

It is not only those working that are looking for a change of circumstances, but students, moms and job seekers. Despite people wanting more, wanting to change their lifestyle, what is stopping people doing so?

The declining Economy has already affected the lives of many people all over the world to the extent that they have realised that the most lucrative way to create Wealth and prosperity is to take action for themselves. But it must be recognised that 3% of the population worked this out years ago hence why they have created their own business. If this is not you then you fall into the 97% of the population. You can however change this!

Apparently more than 200 million people will start a small business within the next few years. Why, because it offers more financial stability and security than a nine to five job. Small businesses are the back bone to the world economy. Equally many will fail the first three years. This might be reality, but not an excuse to not try.

It is very rare that you will be approached or encouraged from a friend or by a member of the family regarding a lifetime changing business opportunity. It is more likely to come from someone you have never met or you undertake your own searches through say the internet.

What searchers normally stumble across in the first instance are one of the many Multi Level Marketing Opportunities (MLM) selling their lotions, potions, pills and vacations. Regardless of the product, the business model on how to make money is what is most attractive. Although the commissions may not necessarily be great to start off with, over time wealth can be generated. It’s these types of opportunities that generally attract people.

Many have always liked the thought of working for themselves, but have struggled to come up with a lucrative idea. It is not surprising then when an MLM opportunity is presented that people are prepared to give it a go, but only to find after about 6 months the motivation and drive diminishes. This is primarily driven by leads drying up as friends and family run out.

As said, the concepts behind the MLM business model are sound hence attractive, but the way to get leads (customers) is so old school. Making a list of your friends and family, buying leads, cold calling, and sending people to a corporate website, having house parties and hotel conferences is hard work. The majority of Multi Level Marketing companies still work in this way.

One way to drive a business is through internet marketing. Many use the internet primarily to buy things, so why not turn this around and learn how to sell things instead. People from all over the globe, from all walks of life and all types of business backgrounds can become a successful online marketer. You just need to know how.

So you search further and now you find a number of sites offering internet marketing as a way to generate an income and great wealth. What do you choose? What is a genuine business? People are sceptical and this is not surprising. Nobody wants to be taken advantage of.

How does this sound? What if you could have an insight into whether you are cut out to run a small business from home, be presented with a range of internet marketing techniques to help market a product or service as well as being offered income generating opportunities. What if you can explore all this for free through what is being known as a 3 in 1 solution to meet your requirements. With no hidden agenda, and with so much available in one place, you decide what steps you wish to take to help you reach your desired place.

You will have access to eBooks, SEO marketing techniques, video marketing, building a simple website and much much more. Although this is all for free, you will be presented with an opportunity to tap into an e-learning educational system and an internet marketing business rolled all into one. This provides a virtual online business from day 1. You will have a sales funnel that will do the selling, telling, sifting and sorting to sell on your behalf. You will mastermind and even partner up with great marketing leaders to motivate you with great passion in order to get great results. You can even tap into a community willing to help you succeed to become a successful online marketer. All you need to do is take your skills learnt through the system and start marketing on the internet. You will have access to all this without leaving your home.

Remember, using the internet reaches out to people all over the world and not limited to your local community and family. You don’t have to struggle with a broken, “old school” Multi Level Marketing business model. The choice is of course yours.

Think about what you could be doing in your spare time should you succeed. Once up and running, an internet business operates 24/7 – but you don’t. That’s the beauty about an internet marketing business model. Just follow a system that works, be part of community of leaders and establish a business by working from the comfort of your own home.

Mastering the internet really is a good way to leverage time and money. If you own a brick and mortar business, a business working from home (MLM) or looking for a work at home business idea, then marketing on the internet is an exciting way to do business.

My name is Gary Oakes and I know we can all aspire to achieve better things. It may be a case of changing direction and doing something you have never done, but always dreamt of. I have a website full of information focusing on starting a business at home, marketing a business as well as providing some home based business opportunities. I’m helping people to think positively about the future and how best use their time. I believe that people can find a way within to pursue an idea and a vision. We all have the ability to take control of our lives, but many just don’t know it or how.

I have established a 3 in 1 solution to help anyone who is looking to start an income opportunity through the comfort of ones own home. Step 1 is to develop passion and drive – set expectations. Step 2 is full of free information to help anyone market on the internet. Step 3 provides a business opportunity should you not have one. You will not see such valuable information contained all in one place and it is all free. The journey starts by following this simple link to Internet Based Home Business.

It does not cost you anything to view the free material, and you never know this might be the very thing you are looking for.